

Chin Filler

As we age bone density diminished alone with soft tissue causing the structure of the face to change drop or sag. Hyaluronic acid filler is injected into the chin to mimic and shape the face like bone. This can also be used as a contouring effect to make the face more aesthetically pleasing. It can also diminish the look of over or underbites. Effects last 6-22 months depending on the individual.

10 dollars/unit


Belkyra detroys fat cells by using deoxycholic acid, a fat-metabolizing agent naturally found in the body. By eliminating the fat cells, patients notice a slimmer jaw line + no double chin. We recommend anywhere from 1-4 treatments, depending on the patient. Results permenently reduces the number of fat cells

1 vial / $800

2 session package/2900

3 session package / $3900